LME molybdenum price (cash seller/settlement and 3-month seller) dropped down to US$15,200 per ton (= US$6.89 per lb) on June 16, which marked a new record low since being listed. When compared with the prior day, the price for cash seller was down by US$950 and the one for 3-month seller was down by US$1,050. (Hereinafter, the price is per ton.)
After the price of molybdenum dropped sharply in early April since marking a record of US$18,500 on March 31, it was seesawing within a range of US$17,000 - US$17,500. However, the price again shows a declining trend since entering June because the decreased consumption of molybdenum due to a low production of stainless steel is anticipated to continue also in the period from July to September.
- [Editor:Zhang Xing]
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