Asia FeSi Spot Offers Stay Weak amid Prevailing Weak Demand

Spot offers of 75%-Si ferrosilicon in Asia were low weak demand, sources said Thursday.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Weak Demand for the Whole Silicon Metal Chain

[] In the dry season, the price of electricity Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan, Sichuan Liangshan two main producing large area shutdown, the rate of operation fell sharply, a serious market downturn this year, since the price is still wet period fal...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Chinese FeSi Producers Look toward Price Rebound

[]As the big purchaser in north of China settled Dec purchase on ferrosilicon, other steel mills also released tender

Friday, December 11, 2015

Golable Silicon Metal Industries In 2014

[] We all acknowledge that the price of electricity plays an important role for silicon metal production, now the price of electricity was 0.42yuan in Yunnan province in the draught season, so do Guangxi province,while the price was 0.52yuan in...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

More Steel Mills Knocked down Dec Purchase on FeSi in China

[] In recent period, it seems that increasing number of Chinese steel mills released December purchase on ferrosilicon.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Rate of Operation Fell And Observe The Late Silicon Metal Market(Nov 30th- Dec 4th)

[] As the major silicon metal production area, Yunnan, Sichuan shutdown enterprises increased in December, for late-market manufacturers was not optimistic, the current China price is insignificant, while in 2015 the domestic silicon metal mark...

Monday, December 7, 2015

Downturn of Chinese FeSi Becomes Narrowed in Dec (Nov 30th – Dec 4th )

[] In early December, ex-work prices of ferrosilicon 75# in China quoted at RMB4,300-4,400/mt and RMB3,900-4,100/mt for 72#. Given flat demand globally, Chinese ferrosilicon spot market in China still failed to in good shape though most factori...

Monday, December 7, 2015

Low Demand Led to Poor Performance on FeSi Exports in China

[]As further slip on steel mills bidding, the price of ferrosilicon in China was also kept on track to downtrend for December. It is said that the main ex-work quotation of ferrosilicon 75 was edged down to RMB4,300-4,400/mt in Qinghai, Ningxia...

Friday, December 4, 2015
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