According to statistic National Bureau of Statistic of China, China export 76933.885 tons of silicon metal in October, up by 158.17% Y-O-Y, and materials were mainly shipped to S.Korea and Japan with quantities respectively at 17056.02 tons and 19957 tons.
According to statistic of Korea Customs, S.Korea imported 16,285 tons of silicon metal in October 2014, up by 19.5% M-O-M and up by 50.8% Y-O-Y. The materials were mainly imported from China and Norway with import volumes respectively at 14,345 tons and 900 t...
Till the end of this week, December bids of ferrosilicon appeared. Although some ferrosilicon producers had reduced operation rate due to slashed purchase prices and volumes of the steel mills, the market prices kept declining in China..