The Prices of Electrolytic Manganese Flake 99.7% Rise Continuously

Today, the main prices of electrolytic manganese flake 99.7% are about RMB11,800-12,100/mt, rise continuously, and the export prices are about USD1,775-1,825/mt, rise about USD 50/mt.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nine Enterprises Produce EMM in Guangxi Province in November, 2016

In November, 2016, ten enterprises are producing electrolytic manganese flake 99.7% in Guangxi province, with about 607mt daily output. More detail statistics refer to the following table.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Seven Enterprises Produce EMM in Chongqing in November, 2016

In November, 2016, seven enterprises are producing electrolytic manganese flake 99.7% in Chongqing, with about 445mt daily output, and one enterprise plan to produce in Mid-November. More detail statistics refer to the following table.

Monday, November 7, 2016

EMM Prices Rise Continuously (October 31st-November 4th)

Recently, enterprises show that more and more purchase orders appear, just can meet regular customers’ needs, so they cannot offer products’ prices. Exported manganese ores’ prices rise stimulate competitive products’ of EMM to rise, stainless steel mills ...

Monday, November 7, 2016

Fourteen Enterprises Produce EMM in Guizhou Province in the beginning of November, 2016

In the beginning of November, 2016, fourteen enterprises are producing electrolytic manganese flake 99.7% in Guizhou province, with about 833mt daily output. More detail statistics refer to the following table.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Prices of Electrolytic Manganese Flake 99.7% Rise Again

Today, the main prices of electrolytic manganese flake 99.7% are about RMB11,600-11,900/mt, rise continuously, and the export prices are about USD1,725-1,775/mt, rise about USD 50/mt.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Prices of Electrolytic Manganese Flake 99.7% Soar to Records

Today, the main prices of electrolytic manganese flake 99.7% are about RMB11,400-11,600/mt, keep stable at high spot, and the export prices are about USD1,675-1,725/mt, rise about USD 25/mt.

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Prices of Electrolytic Manganese Flake 99.7% Rise Slightly

Today, the main prices of electrolytic manganese flake 99.7% are about RMB11,400-11,600/mt, rise about RMB200/mt, and the export prices are about USD1,650-1,700/mt, keep stable temporarily.

Thursday, November 3, 2016
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