Chinese Calcium Carbide Market Hovered in August

In August, calcium carbide market in China hovered with prices stable generally. However, some end-users reported the price delivered to factory slightly rose up due to higher freight recently.

Monday, August 4, 2014

CaC2 Prices Kept Steady in Late July in China

CaC2 Prices Kept Steady in Late July in China

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Calcium Carbide Market Expected Weak for Low Demand and High Stockpiles

In Mid-July, Chinese calcium carbide market price kept stable except for slight decrease in some regions. Producers reported large stockpiles in their factories due to low demand from consumers and hard transactions.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Calcium Carbide Market Kept Stable in China

Chinese calcium carbide market kept stable in July with general supply damand. The ex-work price of calcium carbide (Grade I) in the main regions were as follows

Monday, July 14, 2014

Calium Carbide Price Continued to Slip in China

Chinese calcium carbide market kept slipping as some producers reduced the ex-work price by RMB100/mt in mid-June. Abundant materials have drawn the maket down, meanwhile, materials from PVC plants has also flooded into the market, which undoubtedly aggravate ...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Japan’s Calcium Carbide Import Down by 33.1% Y-O-Y in September of 2014

According to statistic of Japan Customs, Japan imported 173.4 tons of calcium carbide, down by 28.4% M-O-M and down by 33.1% Y-O-Y. The materials were mainly imported from China with import volume at 132 tons.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Calcium Carbide September Production Up by 4.4% Y-O-Y in China

According to the statistic, Chinese calcium carbide production was 2.116 million tons in September 2014, slightly down by 0.61% M-O-M and up by 4.4% Y-O-Y. In Jan-Sep, 2014, total production was 18.416 million tons, up by 10.8% Y-O-Y.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Calcium Carbide August Production Up by 14.1% Y-O-Y in China

According to the statistic, Chinese calcium carbide production was 2.129 million tons in August, up by 14.1% Y-O-Y.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
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