Nickel Ores Stock Declined by 800Thousand Tons in Nov. 2014-China

According to the statistics, on Nov.28th, total nickel ores stock at main ports of China amounted to 23.1million tons, decreasing by 350thousand tons compared with that of last week, of which Indonesian nickel ores accounted for 1/3. up to end of Nov., the nic...

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Import Statistic of Ferronickel by Country and Area in October 2014, China

Import Statistic of Ferronickel by Country and Area in October 2014, China

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Demand of Stainless Steel for Nickel, Cr and Manganese in First 3 Quarters of 2014-China

According to the statistics, in the first three quarters of 2014, stainless steel production of China reached 16.02million tons, rising by 17.44% year on year, of which Cr-Ni stainless steel output was 8.23million tons, increasing by 19.64% compared with that ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

FeNi and Refined Nickel Output in China from 2006 to 2013

In recent 8 years, the ferronickel industry in China had achieved great strides. In 2006, the FeNi production (nickel metal content) was just 40thousand tons while it reached 500thousand tons in 2013. In addition, the proportion of demand from stainless steel ...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nickel Ores Stock Declined for Two Weeks in China

According to the statistics, nickel ores stock at main ports of China was 23.45million tons on Nov.21st, 2014, decreasing by 200thousand tons than last week.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nickel Ores Stock of China from Jan. to Nov.14th in 2014

In early of 2014, the nickel ores stock rose to high level in recent years, the stock of which was about 25.8-26.1million tons. However, affected by the Indonesian policy and the rainy season of Philippines from Nov. to Mar., the stock presented a downturn tre...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

MMC Norilsk Nickel announces preliminary consolidated production

In 3Q14, consolidated nickel production amounted to 71,100 tonnes, up 16.9% QoQ due to the higher volumes of raw materials purchased for to Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta from third parties as well as increased shipments of high grade nickel matte from Polar Divisi...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Total FeNi Capacity of Chinese Enterprises in Indonesia Reached 3.27M Tons

According to the statistics, up to Nov. 2014, the FeNi enterprises of Chinese-owned or joint ventures with foreign enterprises increased to thirteen, of which six enterprises had blast furnace projects, and some others planned to set submerged arc furnaces or ...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
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