High FeNi Tender Price and Nickel Price Trend from 2013 to Oct.2014

Since end of Q3, 2014, international nickel price continued to decline, which significantly pulled down the high FeNi price. In Nov., 2014, Tisco settled the high FeNi benchmark price at RMB930/Ni, which decreased by RMB250/Ni than that of last month and RMB40...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

FeNi Price Sharply Declined in Chinese Market (Oct.20th-Oct.24th)

After half and one months decline, the LME Ni price dropped to USD15000-16000/mt from USD18500-19500/mt. In recent week the nickel price further decreased by USD338/mt to USD15210/mt while the stock increased by 2976tons to 377538tons on Oct.23th. On Oct.24th,...

Monday, October 27, 2014

High FeNi and 1# Ni Price from Jan. to Sept.in China

High FeNi and 1# Ni Price from Jan. to Sept.in China

Thursday, October 23, 2014

[Conference Report]China’s Stainless Steel Industry Would not Thrive Without NPI-Wen Quan

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The market remains at the downtrend for both the stainless steel industry and alloys industry. The recent dramatic fall brought the price back to March 2014. The 5th MnCrNi & SSteel International Conference was held in Taiyuan on Oct. 17.

Monday, October 20, 2014

FeNi Might hardly be Optimistic for Oversupply-China (Oct.6th-Oct.11th)

Chinese real estate and steel market remains depressed, adding to the high nickel stock, nickel price might further decline. As the production of large FeNi manufacturers remain high level while the demand weak. The oversupply condition made the FeNi price har...

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Nickel Products Market Review in August & September, 2014 and Preview

[Ferro-Alloys.com]The ferronickel and electrolytic nickel prices have been increasing since Q2, 2014 thanks to the unrefined ore ban in Indonesia. China’s ferronickel producers lowered their operation rate due to the increasing price for nickel ore and the de...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

FeNi Price Totally Declined in Oct..-China (Sept.22th-Sept.26th)

At the end of Sept., most of stainless steel mills had cut down the benchmark price of high FeNi in Oct.. In addition, the LME nickel price had declined for three weeks. In this condition, many manufactures presented pessimistic attitude for FeNi market and we...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

FeNi Imports of China in Aug.2014 Decreased by 28% M-O-M.

According to the latest statistics, in Aug.,2014, China imported 13,473tons ferronickel, which decreased by 28% month on month while increased by 20% year on year. From Jan. to Aug., total FeNi imports reached 172,310tons, rising by 88% year on year.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
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