Chinese FeMo Price Stabilized, as Steel Mill’s Bids Lowered

[]Chinese FeMo was offered at RMB58,000-59,000/mt by acceptance.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Dropped, Downward Trend Seen Later

[]Chinese FeMo transacted at RMB57,000-58,000/mt by acceptance. Steel industry was still depressed in September, resulting in that producers purchased needed volumes.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Slipped, Suppliers Losing Confidence

[]Chinese FeMo transacted at RMB58,000-59,000/mt by acceptance. Major steel mills such as BaoSteel and Taiyuan Iron & Steel planned to launch tenders, but still suspicious about each other.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Stabilized, but Overseas Price Slipped (Aug 10th –Aug 14th )

[]Chinese FeMo was quoted at RMB63,000/mt by acceptance. Major steel mills cut the tender price, transaction price dropped further. Overseas moly oxide traded at USD5.8-5.9/lbMo.

Monday, August 17, 2015

China Exported 102mt FeMo in June, 2015, down 77% Y-o-Y

[]In June, 2015, China exported 102mt FeMo, down 77% Y-o-Y(445mt), but up 57% M-o-M(65mt).

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Kept Flat While Oversea Molybdenum Oxide Price Drop (Aug 3rd---Aug 7th)

Chinese FeMo price kept flat,FeMo60 quoted at RMB62,000 per ton and 64,000 by acceptance. At the beginning of August, mainstream steel mills finished their FeMo tender purchase at a new low price of RMB60, 000 per ton by acceptance.

Monday, August 10, 2015

FeMo: Chinese Quotation Firmed, but the Tender Price Slipped

[]Chinese FeMo60 was quoted at RMB64,000/mt by acceptance. In early August, the tenders of big steel mills ended, transaction price lowering to RMB60,000/mt by acceptance.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

FeMo: Chinese Price Slipped, as Steel Mills Purchased Little Volume

[]Chinese FeMo was quoted at RMB64,000/mt by acceptance. In late month, major steel mills didn’t launch bids, deals concentrating on scattered buying activities. The transaction price hit a new low, for mills made loss and decreased tender vol...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
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