Chinese FeMo Price Kept Steady, while Overseas Moly Market was Soft (Jan 5th -9th)

[] After the New Year’s Day, Chinese FeMo stabilized at RMB85,000-86,000/mt (USD13,934-14,098/mt, export duty excluded) by acceptance.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Chinese FeTi Price Maintained steady, as Sellers Sold Materials at Low Level

[]After the New Year’s Day, Chinese FeMo stabilized at RMB85,000-86,000/mt (USD13,934-14,098/mt, export duty excluded) by acceptance. In early January, steel mills only bought required volumes, with FeMo transacting at RMB85,000/mt (USD13,934/...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Chinese FeMo Price Kept Steady, whlie Overseas Moly Market was Quiet (Dec 29th –Jan 4th)

[]Chinese FeMo was offered at RMB85,000-86,000/mt (USD13,934-14,098/mt, export duty excluded) by acceptance. In early January, steel mills decreased tender volumes and price, so FeMo deals resumed to quietness. European and American customers w...

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Review on Chinese FeMo Export of the first eleven months in 2014

[]In the first three months of 2014, the FeMo export volume was zero.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Chinese FeMo Price Dropped, while Overseas Moly Market was Quiet (Dec 22nd-26th)

[] Chinese feMo was offered at RMB85,000-86,000/mt (USD13,934-14,098/mt, export duty excluded) by acceptance. In late month, major steel mills entered the market, prompting the activity. But mills still pressed the buying price as low as RMB86,...

Monday, December 29, 2014

Chinese FeMo Price Slipped, but the Sales were Slim

[]Chinese feMo was offered at RMB85,000-86,000/mt (USD13,934-14,098/mt, export duty excluded) by acceptance.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Chinese FeMo Price Maintained Steady, While Overseas Moly Price Slipped (Dec 15th -19th)

[]Chinese FeMo price softened, as steel mills tendered small volumes. Transaction price lowering to RMB88,000/mt (USD14,426/mt, export duty excluded) by acceptance. Overseas moly oxide price rallied, transacting at USD9.1/lbMo.

Monday, December 22, 2014

The review of FeMo Price in 2014 and Outlook on 2015

[]In the first of quarter of 2014, Chinese FeMo price slipped to RMB93,000-94,000/mt (USD15,245-15,409/mt, export duty excluded) in early March from RMB100,000/mt (USD16,393/mt, export duty excluded) in January.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
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