Price of Platy Vanadium Pentoxide Is Firm Continued Drop of Prices of Vanadium Alloys Is Difficult

[] At the beginning of this week, vanadium market keeps stable mainly in China, although purchase and enquiry from the downstream are not active, and the conclusion is relatively stalemated; however, under the support of price of platy vanadium...

Monday, June 19, 2017

Offers of Ferrovanadium, Vanadium Nitrogen Alloy And Platy Vanadium Pentoxide of Main Enterprises on June 13

[] Offers of Ferrovanadium, Vanadium Nitrogen Alloy And Platy Vanadium Pentoxide of Main Enterprises on June 13

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

International Price of Vanadium Dropped Price of Vanadium in China Is Tentatively Stable

[] International price of Vanadium dropped last Friday and price of Vanadium in China is tentatively stable.

Monday, June 5, 2017

China Exported FeV <75%In June. 2016, up 100% Y-o-Y

China Exported FeV <75%In June. 2016, up 100% Y-o-Y

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

China Exported FeV≥75% In May. 2016, up 30.87% Y-o-Y

[]In May 2016, China exported 903,000 kg Ferrovanadium, up30.87% Y-o-Y. China exported 20,000 kg of Ferrovanadium to India, and 245,000 kg to Japan, 151,000 kg to South Korea, and 15,000 kg to UAE, 255,000 kg to Taiwan China, 180,000 kg to Neth...

Friday, July 8, 2016

China Imported 400kg FeV In May. 2016

[]In May 2016, China imported 400 kg Ferrovanadium from overseas. In the first May months of 2016, China totally imported 20,700 kg Ferrovanadium.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Import Volume of FeV By Countries In May. 2016, China

The Import Volume of FeV By Countries In May. 2016, China

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bushveld Minerals secures final cash sum to complete vanadium project deal

[]Bushveld Minerals will issue seven million Bushveld ordinary shares to Sable Metal and Minerals to conclude its Brits vanadium acquisition.

Thursday, June 30, 2016
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