【Conference Report】Mr Qi Biao:China FeSi Producers Should Optimize Internal Management

At the 11th China Ferro-alloys International Conference,President of Tian Ferroalloy Exchange, Mr Qi Biao shared his insightful opinion on the harsh situation Chinese ferrosilicon producers faced. Mr Qi said China was number one either capacity or output of fe...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

【Conference Report】Mr Qi Biao:China-FeSi Giant Worldwide, faces Multi Pressures in Exports

Mr Qi reported world ferrosilicon capacity at approximately 10 million tons and 7.5 million tons in China. Ranked by capacity, China,Russia,Ukraine,Norway and Brazil take the top five places.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Inner Mongolia Exceeded the 2013 Target of Eliminating Outdated Industrial Capacities

Recently, National Assessment Group of Outdated Industrial Capacities Elimination visited Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Low Operation Rate & Stable Prices Existed in China (May5th-May9th)

Ferrosilicon furnaces of 12,500KVA and 20,000KVA suffered, which involved 13 sets and 136,000 mt.

Monday, May 12, 2014

US Imports of Chinese FeSi Soared in March of 2014

US Imports of Chinese FeSi Soared in March of 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Potentially Deteriorating Russia-Ukraine Conflict Might Benefit Exports of Chinese FeSi

[Ferro-alloys.com] Because of the continued conflict between Russia and Ukraine and US’ sanctions against exports of some Russian commodities, ferroalloy consumers especially ferrosilicon consumers might turn to other production countries for the materials so...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

FeSi Market was Likely to Run Stably in China in Early May

FeSi Market was Likely to Run Stably in China in Early May

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Exports of Icelandic FeSi down 20% in March of 2014

Exports of Icelandic FeSi down 20% in March of 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014
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