Unprecedented tripartite agreement for the beneficiation of two nickel deposits in New Caledonia

  • Monday, April 21, 2014
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:ERAMET nickel New Caledonia
[Fellow]Last April 5th, ERAMET and Vale groups as well as New Caledonia’s South Province signed an agreement for the exploration, study and beneficiation of two nickel deposits located in the South of New Caledonia: Prony and Pernod.

Last April 5th, ERAMET and Vale groups as well as New Caledonia’s South Province signed an agreement for the exploration, study and beneficiation of two nickel deposits located in the South of New Caledonia: Prony and Pernod.

This tripartite agreement provides for the creation of a joint venture for the project, owned 34% by the South Province, 33% by ERAMET and 33% by Vale.

This joint venture will first undertake the geological exploration works and technical studies required for improving knowledge on the deposits and the operation of the mine. After that and if the results are satisfactory, the two industrial groups may submit one or more industrial processing plan(s) to the Province, giving priority to creating synergies with their Caledonian subsidiaries (Vale Nouvelle-Calédonie and SLN) and their existing industrial plants.

This strategic alliance is unprecedented in New Caledonia and aligned with the guidelines of the plans for the development of the territory’s mining assets. The project should contribute to the knowledge on the mineral resources in the South of New Caledonia but also reinforce and perpetuate the economic benefits from the local activities of SLN and Vale Nouvelle-Calédonie, which are experts in the nickel extraction and beneficiation.

  • [Editor:Juan]

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