Cored Wire Manufacturers Stopped Production for Vocation

  • Monday, February 16, 2015

  • Keywords:Ca metal, Ca, Calcium, cored wire,CaSi,strip steel
[Fellow]According to the investigation of, as Spring Festival approached, Chinese cored wire manufacturers stopped

[]According to the investigation of, as Spring Festival approached, Chinese cored wire manufacturers stopped production for vocation one by one. Cored wire traders also quit from the market gradually. There was little transaction and market price was stable. In Henan province, ex-work pr ice of Ca98%min∮9㎜Ca wire stayed around  RMB12300-12500/mt (USD1984-2016/mt). Ex-work price of Ca28Si55∮13㎜ CaSi wire was RMB9400-9600/mt, Ca30 ∮13㎜ FeCa wire was RMB9500-9700/mt and C98%∮13㎜ carbon wire was  RMB 4600-4800/mt.

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  • [Editor:Mike.zhang]

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