[Ferro-alloys.com] According to one of ferrosilicon producers in Qinghai, the private ferrosilicon manufacturers stay in an unfavorable situation. When the general market is sluggish, they have to cover the deficit themselves and what’s worse, they sometimes are forced to trim or halt production. And he teasingly said that the unpromising reproduction means resistance against their wives. While the state-owned enterprise is another story. The state-owned plants are seldom bothered by the problems of capital shortage or lack of frequent clients. Therefore, the overall situation of private ferrosilicon enterprises is somewhat fraught.
Another ferrosilicon producer in Qinghai said that the domestic ferrosilicon market is so depressing: the price tendency in September is basically fixed and they are waiting to see what will happen in October. The output of the interviewed producer is 12,000 tons per month. And he added that many furnaces have been put aside.
The producers in Gansu estimate that the ferrosilicon price will be hard to arise and another native producer reckons that the ferrosilicon market will worsen in the next two months.
On the enterprises’ production, the large enterprises slightly trim down their production while the small and medium-sized plants even cut their production by 50%; some manufacturers convert to producing other products and only purchase limited amount of ferrosilicon to meet their daily production requirements.
Overview of the future market: The ferrosilicon market will linger at a low level in the next two months.
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- [Editor:Chen Lian Hai]
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