[ferro-alloys.com] Today, offers of Ferro Vanadium and Vanadium Nitrogen Alloy rise.
Because price of piece of Vanadium always locates at a high position, some factories have raised price of piece of Vanadium. Currently, main acceptance offer of piece of Vanadium ranges from RMB 85,000 to RMB 86,000/mt and source of piece of Vanadium is relatively tense, many enterprise have the plan to purchase piece of Vanadium, but the low price resource is difficult to seek, so the production cost of Ferro Vanadium and Vanadium Nitrogen Alloy increases, and their offers are following to rise.
Currently, main offer of ready cash of Ferro Vanadium ranges from RMB 90,000 to RMB 93,000/mt, risen by RMB 1500 compared to the main offer from RMB 89,000 to RMB 91,000 of last week. The low offer at low position is the offer of goods in stock of traders and the offer at high position is the offer of new order of manufacturers.
- [Editor:Wang Linyan]
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