The nickle ore processing industry in Yulin is developing fast

  • Thursday, March 15, 2018

  • Keywords:nickle ore processing, Yulin
[Fellow]The nickle ore processing industry in Yulin is developing fast

[]At present, the government is strongly supporting the new energy vehicle industry. The Ni-Co products for the battery plants of new energy vehicle made by Yulin coastal industry is so popular that its demand exceeds supply. There is a great demand for the imported raw material. From January to February, the total value of the imported nickle intermediate products reached 93.5 million RMB, and its amount was totally 5726 tons. Compared to the same period last year, the value added 150%, and the amount increased 44.9%

In the last few years, the Yulin government paid high attention on the development of coastal industry. Based on Longtan industrial park service, the government organized related department to make speeches on policy for the large metal smelting plants and import firms,such as Zhongjin, Yinyi and so on.It solved the problems of enterprise development. Yulin Customs made contract with port custom on its own to ensure the imported mineral custom clearance. It solved the problems of raw materials to ensure the normal production.

In the past few years, Yulin government strongly promoted importing mineral resources abroad to make use of its advantage. It could release the shortage of resource in the administrative region, and gather the current resource to the southern coastal region. This accelerated the city to transform the inner city to the coastal city. The coastal nickle industry in Yulin has been developing fast. In order to protect the environment, the workers have gradually reduced the amount of smelting Laterite-Nickel ore directly and started to smelter the nickle intermediate products to product and ferronickle and electrolytic nickle.It promotes the import of nickle intermediate products that used to smelter by nickle wet process method.

  • [Editor:王可]

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