Ferrosilicon Daily Express 3.12

  • Thursday, March 12, 2020
  • Source:ferro-alloys.com

  • Keywords:Ferrosilicon futures spot
[Fellow]China Taiyuan coal transaction price index stood at 133.16 points Monday, up 0.07 percent week on week.

[Ferro-Alloys.comChinese steelmaker Jingye Group on Monday completed the acquisition of British Steel's business and assets in Britain and the Netherlands, said the Chinese steelmaker in a statement.

More and more enterprises resumed work but construction-related industries resumed slowly. It may not recover until late-March even April, experts said. The actual capacity utilization of blast furnace of last week was 79.3% and down by 0.4%. And the actual capacity utilization of electrical arc furnace was 7.68% and up by 4%, which increased the supplies of rebar.

China Taiyuan coal transaction price index stood at 133.16 points Monday, up 0.07 percent week on week.

The index, released by China Taiyuan Coal Transaction Center (CTCTC) based in Shanxi, a coal-rich province, reflects the coal price levels and changes in the main production areas of China. It is published every Monday.

Vietnamese steelmakers were in need of State support to minimise the damage caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which could well reach a pandemic as dozens of countries reported new infections, said industry leaders and experts.

Click here for more information: Ferrosilicon Daily Express 3.12

  • [Editor:kangmingfei]

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