US Weekly Raw Steel Production down by 3.3%

  • Thursday, December 13, 2012
  • Source:

  • Keywords:Raw Steel Production
In the week ending December 8, 2012, domestic raw steel production was 1,802,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 72.9%. Production was 1,863,000 tons in the week ending December 8, 2011, while the capability utilization then was 75.2%

The current week production represents a 3.3% decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending December 8, 2012 is down 0.9 percent from the previous week ending December 1, 2012 when production was 1,818,000 tons and the rate of capability utilization was 73.6%

Adjusted year to date production through December 8, 2012 was 91,733,000 tons, at a capability utilization rate of 75.8%. That is a 2.9 percent increase from the 89,116,000 tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 74.4%

Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending December 8, 2012 in thousands of net tons:
North East: 195
Great Lakes: 654
Midwest: 259
Southern: 619
Western: 75

(In thousands of net tons)

AISI's estimate is based on reports from companies representing about 75% of the US's raw steel capability and includes revisions for previous months.

Source - American Iron and Steel Institute
  • [Editor:editor]

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