Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

Preface More than two millennia ago the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural exchanges that linked the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively called the Silk Road by later ...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Canada Announces to Determine Anti-dumping Investigation on Carbon Steel Plate Imports from India and Russia

It is reported that Canadian International Trade Tribunal, CITT has launched an investigation to determine India and Russia imports of

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

WTO: Indonesia Continues to Impose Protective Tax on Import Refined Oil Tubes and Casing Products

According to the WTO safeguards Committee pointed out that Indonesia announced the result on imported refined oil pipe and casing

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

USITC Announces The Initial Result of Anti-dumping and Countervailing Investigation on Imports Cold-rolled Steel Plate from Five Countries

According to the United States International Trade Commission announced that the initial result of anti-dumping and countervailing investigation on imports cold-rolled steel plate from five countries. The countries are included Brazil, China, India, Japan and ...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Philippines Plans to Cancel Import Tariffs on Square Billet

It is reported that Philippine tariff commission pointed out that the country planned to cancel 3% of import tariffs on square billet from most favored-nation by the end of this year.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

China's Rare Earth Export Tariff Maintains in 2015

Customs Tariff Commission of State Council of China unveiled tariff implementation measures for 2015 in the evening on December 16 and export tariff on rare earth maintains.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

2nd Batch of China Rare Earths Export Quotas for 2014 was 25500 mt

China’s announcement that rare earths export quotas for the second half of 2014 are the same as 2013, show the country’s reluctance to comply with WTO’s ruling. However, the moderate increase in quotas compared to H1 2014 suggests a slowly reviving demand i...

Friday, July 18, 2014

US Imposes Anti-dumping Duty on Taiwan's Oil Pipe Exporters

The International Trade Administration (ITA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) said Jul 11th that it has issued a final decision to impose anti-dumping duties on oil pipe exporters from Taiwan and other countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014
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