• Wednesday, August 13, 2014

  • Keywords:FeMn Ferromanganese
[Fellow]The ferroalloys in production at Nippon Denko cover almost all types of ferroalloys. Especially manganese and chromium alloys, as well as special ferroalloys such as ferrovanadium, are earning high acclaim among users both at home and abroad.

Our company is based on the management principles of "Develop and provide products, technologies, and services that differentiate us from other companies, boost corporate value, and contribute to the creation of a prosperous society." Based on these principles, we focus on our two core areas of ferroalloys and functional materials to drive, grow and develop the company, while building mutually beneficial relationships with customers, suppliers, shareholders and other stakeholders.

As Japan's top manufacturer of ferroalloys, which are used as secondary raw materials for steel making, we have been maintaining domestic production of our main product, manganese ferroalloy, taking advantage of its cost competitiveness, due to the Tokushima Plant owning its own unloading berth. Furthermore, we have established our operational structure in globally competitive locations, shifting production of some products to overseas J/V companies.
Through such a structure, we are committed to continue to stably supply high quality products to various customers, such as major steel-making companies.

We produce various types of ferroalloys, either at our Tokushima Plant, which is equipped with large electric furnaces, at other domestic plants, or at locations abroad by making maximum use of the characteristics of the respective plants. We also distribute high-quality products purchased externally.
The ferroalloys in production at Nippon Denko cover almost all types of ferroalloys. Especially manganese and chromium alloys, as well as special ferroalloys such as ferrovanadium, are earning high acclaim among users both at home and abroad.

  • [Editor:Sophie]

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