The Hindu reported that the Special CBI Court rejected the bail application of businessman Mr Pawan Kumar Jain whose firm PJS Overseas Ltd allegedly exported a part of the 5 lakh tonne of iron ore that was stolen from Belekeri port in 2010.
The ore had been seized by a team of Forest Department officials, led by the then Deputy Conservator of Forests Mr R Gokul and stored in the Belekeri port from.
Although the Criminal Investigation Department, which earlier investigated the case gave Mr Jain a clean chit, the CBI, which was handed the case by the Supreme Court, claimed to have found evidence to directly link the Delhi-based businessman to the case of the missing ore.
He was arrested on August 26th and interrogated before being remanded in judicial custody.
The CBI, which is yet to file a charge sheet in the matter, urged the court not to grant bail to Mr Jain on the grounds that he might tamper with the evidence or abscond.
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