内容来源:中国基金报 News: Jan 5, Chinese Currency Yuan keep invaluating and reached 1USD:6.44 RMB, sharply went up from 6.53 from Jane1st, it is the highest increased since 2018.
Why Chinese Currency invaluated to all other curencies ? Analysts said: that is strongly supported by Chinese encomy Developed over 2% in 2020, and Demands from all industries are very strong, and China has good method to control COV-19 pedemic comparing with other countires. and that attracted all money flew into Chinese fianacial market.
Bulk commodities, Like Iron ore, Coke and Coal, alloys and Steels, the future and spot prices of all those commodities were growing up over 5% during last 2 months.
中国铁合金行业年会--暨 2021年锰铬镍矿石和铁合金市场展望将于2021年1月15日在北京召开,本届年会将以“促进产业链协同融合、加强产业链安全保障,研判2021年矿石和铁合金市场趋势”为主题,邀请国内大中型钢铁企业、铁合金企业、矿商、焦炭、电极等生产企业,以及物流货代、商检等产业链服务企业、国内外主流锰矿商、铬矿商、镍矿商等行业精英参会,共谋行业发展大计。
- [责任编辑:kangmingfei]